Beyond Social Media Show #132
Co-hosts David Erickson and B.L. Ochman discussed Atlas the amazing new two-legged robot hero from Boston Dynamics; Indian villages banning girls from using cell phones; Land’s End drops Gloria Steinem in ham-handed PR gaffe; Google Docs’ excellent new Voice Typing; Facebook’s new emoji reactions; Indian villages banning girls from using cell phones; Google’s elimination of sidebar ads from search results; ISIS threats against Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey; Harry Shearer catches Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski pandering to Donald Trump; David Duke trending on Twitter; the brilliant #HelpKenyaNotKanye campaign; The Oatmeal’s Autocorrect Hates You; Donald Trump’s 199 top Twitter insults; plus great new apps and important stats and a whole lot more.
We did all that in 30-minutes on our award-winning podcast for marketing, advertising, PR and digital communications specialists.
The video is time-stamped. Click on a time in brackets to jump directly to that segment of the video.
Worst Digital Cases
- Lands’ End Erases Gloria Steinem, Gets PR Lesson
- Google Removes Sidebar Ads
- ISIS Makes Direct Threats Against Zuckerberg & Dorsey
- Hot Mic: Morning Joe Hosts Chat With Trump About Taking It Easy On him
- Villages In India Are Banning Girls From Using Mobile Phones
- KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Trends On Twitter
Best Digital Cases
- Atlas, The Next Generation Robot From Boston Dynamics
- Help Kenya Not Kanye
- Google Docs Adds Really Very Good Voice Typing To The Interface
- Facebook Reactions
- Autocorrect Hates You
- The 199 People, Places & Things Donald Trump Has Insulted On Twitter: A Complete List
Shiny New Stuff
- WordPress Implements Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
- Facebook Canvas Ads
- Google Easter Eggs 2016
- StockBlocker – Chrome extension that blocks stock photography
- 75 Content Marketing Tools You Can’t Live Without
Beyond Social Media Show is now on iTunes & Stitcher!
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